Watermelon is a summertime staple. But what's hidden behind the sweetness?

By Michael Merschel, American Heart Association News

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无论是作为家庭聚会上的零食,还是深夜喜剧表演中的道具, watermelons and fun just seem to go together. But how does watermelon hold up health-wise?

Smashingly, you might say.

"I'm definitely impressed by its health benefits," said Tim Allerton, 他是巴吞鲁日路易斯安那州立大学彭宁顿生物医学研究中心的博士后研究员.

Fruit is always part of a healthy diet. 但阿勒顿说,西瓜的营养成分使其与众不同.

它是钾和镁等矿物质的丰富来源. 它也是维生素C和a(加上-胡萝卜素)的良好来源, which helps produce vitamin A), and it has fair amounts of vitamins B1, B5 and B6. You get all of that for only 46.5 calories per cup.

Befitting its name, watermelon is about 92% water, 这就解释了为什么祖先西瓜在非洲喀拉哈里沙漠中被携带了长达5年的沙巴足球体育平台,000 years ago. 这是一种有血统的款待:古埃及坟墓中描绘了现代版本.

西瓜最突出的地方在于它所富含的抗氧化剂, which regulate cell-damaging free radicals in the body. “我们的身体有自己的抗氧化系统,但它有助于从我们的饮食中获得促进,”阿勒顿说. "And watermelon is a good source of those antioxidants."

Lycopene, which gives watermelon its reddish color, is one of those antioxidants, along with vitamins C and A. Lycopene also works as an anti-inflammatory and has been linked to lower stroke risk. It is most abundant in cooked tomato products, 但西瓜的番茄红素含量比生番茄高40%左右.


And watermelon is high in an amino acid called citrulline, which has been a focus of Allerton's research. 他说:“西瓜是非常独特的,因为并不是很多食物都含有这么高的维生素d。.

In a small 2013 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry在美国,西瓜汁中的瓜氨酸被认为有助于缓解运动员的肌肉酸痛.

瓜氨酸还与一氧化氮的产生有关, which is important for the health of blood vessels. 几项小型研究表明,西瓜提取物中的瓜氨酸可以降低血压, 尽管这些影响是在连续六周每天吃相当于3磅多西瓜的人身上观察到的.

That's a lot of watermelon. 但除了一般的想法,过度放纵任何事情都是一个坏主意, Allerton said there's no downside to enjoying it.

尽管它含有天然糖和高血糖指数(衡量糖进入血液的速度),但它的血糖负荷很低. That means its actual effect on blood sugar is small. 而且它会比一碗饼干更快地填饱你的肚子.

抛开营养和科学不谈,水果爱好者只是享受它的味道. Superfan Mark Twain wrote, "It is the chief of this world's luxuries, king by the grace of God over all the fruits of the earth. When one has tasted it, he knows what the angels eat."

Allerton prefers his straight up, 但他补充说,西瓜汁保留了整个水果的许多好处,因为水果的大部分已经是水了.

That makes watermelon work well in smoothies. Or you can turn it into a fruit salsa.

专家们一致认为,找到成熟西瓜的秘诀在于从西瓜在地面上的位置寻找奶油黄色的斑点. 如果斑点看起来更白而不是黄色,那么甜瓜可能还没有完全成熟. 体重也是质量的标志——越重越好.

但大多数专家说,你不能通过敲击西瓜来了解西瓜的成熟度. So you can probably leave that to the comedians.

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