The road to better exercise might be in your playlist

By American Heart Association News

Plan Shoot/Imazins, Getty Images
(Plan Shoot/Imazins, Getty Images)


联邦运动指南建议人们至少进行两个半小时的中等强度有氧运动, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity, each week. 对于那些不喜欢锻炼的人来说,这些总数似乎是一个很高的要求.

But over the last decade, 研究人员已经开始证明,运动时听音乐可能会带来优势.

A recent study in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise 结论是,在短跑间歇训练期间听励志音乐不仅有可能提高参与者的享受水平, but their performance as well.

“我发现那些很难坚持锻炼计划的人,或者开始锻炼一个月后就放弃的人,可能会发现这是一种帮助他们享受锻炼的方法," said Costas I. Karageorghis, one of the study's authors. “这类研究的真正好处是,你可以引导更多的人走向更健康的生活方式, the better."

In the study, 参与者在听励志音乐时的峰值功率输出和心率比听播客或没有音频时要高. 他们还认为听音乐后锻炼后的快乐程度更高.

Paige Cervantes, a professional trainer based in McKinney, Texas, said the right music affects her health and happiness, even on a tough day in the weight room.

“我知道,尤其是在那些我知道我要举起更重的东西的日子里, I felt my performance would improve when it was harder rock music," she said. “那种节奏和吉他的演奏会让我的心情变得更沉重,几乎到了有点生气的地步."

Her choice for those workouts? A little heavy metal.

"That would kind of bring up the fight in me. 当我尝试举重时,泡泡糖音乐对我没有多大帮助."

Karageorghis, 他是伦敦布鲁内尔大学的运动和运动心理学教授, 他说,一个好的开始是寻找每分钟120拍左右的音乐播放列表, the pace of a brisk walk. 随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移,随着锻炼的加强,音乐的节奏也会增加,最高可达每分钟140次.

“我发现那些花沙巴足球体育平台和精力为锻炼创建播放列表的人实际上比那些随机选择音乐的人更享受锻炼," said Karageorghis, author of the book Applying Music in Exercise and Sport. “理想情况下,如果你每隔几周翻看一次播放列表,它就会保持新鲜感. It will be more stimulating, 而且,与反复听同样的歌单相比,你可能会获得更大的运动和心理上的好处."

But he warned to be wary of the volume.

他说:“在我去过的许多健身设施里,音乐的音量远远超过80分贝。. “如果你能和你旁边的人保持舒适的交谈, the music volume is probably about right."

His previous research shows even when people exercise beyond comfortable levels, such as at levels higher than 75% of their maximal heart rate, 与不听音乐相比,音乐可以让他们心情更好——尽管会伴随疲劳或疲惫.

Those positive effects on mood are important, said Russell Pate, 南卡罗来纳大学阿诺德公共卫生学院的运动科学教授. Sticking with a workout routine, he said, depends on a lot of different factors, including support from family and friends.

"But the more positive it is, 他们就越有可能选择明天和后天再做一次."

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